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Location: DICKY BEACH QLD 4551

General questions
To make an investment you must first become a member of futurevestment.com. Once you are signed up, you can make your first deposit. All deposits must be made through the Members Area. You can log in using the member username and password you receive when signup.
It's quite easy and convenient. Follow this link, fill in the registration form and then press "Register" or " Creat Account".
Log into your Safe Salary account and click on the "Account Information". You can change your e-mail address and password there.
When you log in, you will see a link "Forgot your password?". Click on the link, enter your e-mail address as per your registration, and we will send you a new password.
We accept, BitCoin.
Your account will be updated as fast, as you deposit.
No, profits are gathered on your Safe Salary account and you can withdraw them anytime.
Yes, you can but all transactions are handled separately.
Follow the short tips below:
  • Make sure that the standard deadlines for the funds crediting have not been missed.
  • Contact our specialist via the online chat and we will get back to you instantly.
Withdrawals are processed instantly, but if the withdraw meet payment processors issue, server or technical problem or some other issue, it can take up to 1 hour.
To make a request you need to login to your account and click on "Withdraw " in the right and top menu, then fill in the necessary info to complete your withdrawal request.
No, our clients do not have to bear any fees while withdrawing their funds.
No, profits are gathered on your futurevestment.com account and you can withdraw them any time.
Re-Investment Limit
YES. Once you complete on any Reinvestment limit you’re to add up new funds to continue.
It means you can compound for 2 months on that plan without adding up funds.
NO, You can't.
YES you can but you’re to be add up new deposit once you complete on each reinvestment limit.
No. If we find that one member has more that one account, the entire funds will be frozen.
Our affiliate program is designed for any user who has a personal website, blog, social network account or other referral methods of finding people who are ready to invest in a reliable and profitable business. Referrals generate profits. If you are interested in mining, cryptocurrency transactions, passive income, and multi-level marketing, then our affiliate program is for you. Becoming our partner does not require any personal investment. All you need is to view our affiliate program and register an account. Partners attract investors to the company in a multitude of convenient ways by using advertising tools with embedded special referral links, allowing our system to record click-throughs, registrations, and investments. Being our partner means you can receive rewards from every investment your clients make.
Yes, we do, our referral program is a great way for everyone to earn, you earn up to 5% commission of all amounts deposited by every investor you refer.

How to Activate your Referral Commission
Once you received a referral commission from your referral trade deposit more than $30,000 then you’re to activate the Referral commission with the exact amount you receive to enable you trade/withdraw from your account balance.